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Search result based on key: Social security

New year, new rules as to increased employability

As of 1 January 2023 new rules apply in cases where employers dismiss an employee by means of a statutory notice period of at least 30 weeks.

02 Jan 2023

The Facebook like button from a privacy law perspective

On 29 July 2019, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) released its judgement on its latest data protection legislation court case involving the Facebook Like button which is incorporated on a third party website. Such social plug-ins allow the transfer of personal data of website visitors, such as their IP address or browser.

18 Sep 2019

The Limosa notification duty for self-employed foreign workers: at last restricted to the risk sectors

In Belgium, a notification duty exists for foreign employees and self-employed workers not subjected to the Belgian social security, also known as the Limosa notification duty.

04 Feb 2019

A1 certificates and the applicable social security legislation

Can the Belgian National Social Security Office, the National Institute for the Social Security of the Self-employed, the social inspection or a judge disregard an A1 certificate on the applicable social security legislation in case of an abuse of law?

06 Sep 2018

Non-remunerated and abroad based company representatives in Belgium releaved from social security burden

A new law introduces the possibility for representatives of companies/partnerships to be exempt from having to affiliate with the social security authorities under certain conditions.

15 Jul 2014

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